Thursday, May 5, 2016

Gas Laws Quiz

Well, it wasn't the worst quiz I have ever taken. There were as many concept questions as Frank said there would be. I actually thought it went well. I guess we'll see.  Hoping to get the grade back quickly.
Hope everyone did well.


  1. I think I did well on the quiz, too. However, since it had so many conceptual questions, I wish it were longer (making it less of a deal if you miss a few). As it is, there were a few questions I wasn't 100% sure of myself on, and missing two drops whole letter grade on the quiz. I'm trying to be reasonably optimistic, though. I hope you did well!

  2. The quiz actually felt pretty good while I was taking it, and I'm glad we all feel like it was pretty okay. I hope the unit test is good too.
